Dutch Development Agency (DDA) helps and advises foreign companies in the various stages of establishing, rolling out and expanding their international activities in the Netherlands. DDA is your first point of contact, connecting you with regional partners in all major cities in the Netherlands as well as resources and tools needed to make investment decisions. For assistance in bringing your business to the Netherlands, or developing it further.
With a combined history and knowledge in the board, we are advising International companies for over 40 years.
DDA has served as a one-stop-shop for successful worldwide expansion. It has been supporting companies from all countries, to establish or expand their business in the Netherlands. We have numerous partners ranging from project developers, consulting companies, financial institutions, tax consultants, lawyers, notary services, HR firms and REICs to appraisers, construction companies and many more in the field of business.
DDA can help you start, develop and expand your business. We can help you create a convincing business case for setting up your company in the Netherlands.
Mustafa Tanriverdi
Internationally recognized executive with 20-plus years of experience at the intersection of international business and foreign …
Age Seinstra
Age is equity partner of LIMES international and will oversee the provision of the services. Age has roughly 30 years of …
Wiebe van Bockel
Experienced Sales & Marketing Director with a demonstrated history of working in the global mobility and logistics industry . …
Marta Galano
Marta Galano knows all too well what it is like to relocate as she moved from Argentina to the Netherlands several years ago. Her …
Marcel Mulderij
Marcel Mulderij had lived a couple of years abroad and worked for different international companies as he started his own …
Bas van Ravensberg
Bas is Senior international business consultant at Voerman group….